Sorry folks, I’ve gone off the wagon and fallen into blogging relapse. Actually, not much of interest has happened to me recently, primarily due to my job taking up about 97% of my f*cking miserable waking life, and that includes bathroom time (thinking about job crap on the can and in the shower), so you and me both, we’re not missing much. (Well, I did go to Hawaii for a few days for a family reunion, and stopped through Tokyo for 48 hours (pics above) on the way back, but I slept through most of the trip due to work-induced fatigue...)
And so I’ve started a sort of mini photo-based blog, where I upload 1 pic a day taken from my iPhone. I’m trying to do it every day for 365 consecutive days. Check it out here.
But do check back here occasionally for my periodic lengthier blabbers.